Monday, December 3, 2007

Our little Entertainer

Benjamin has been quite entertaining lately. He has a new laugh that just cracks us up. When we tickle him, he kind of has a belly laugh, but sometimes he just cracks up about something else and this is what he sounds like. Enjoy!


Jessica Smith said...

That is hilarious! I love baby laughs, but I have trouble getting it on camera... good job. :) He is growing so much! What your dr said is true, this is a FUN stage!!! Linc is ALMOST crawling, and getting into ALL sorts of trouble! Great fun... before you know it he will be 3... see my facebook blog for more on THAT fun world! :) Oh my...

Sarah said...

Baby laughs are the best sound on earth! Ben is such a sweet baby.

Elisa said...

I love it...he's getting cuter every time I see him!

Christa Davis said...

The video was so cute. I am glad that you guys have a blog. I am so glad the internet has so many ways for us to connect. Benjamin seems like he will have a great personality, but hey look who he has for a mom and dad, and lets not forget a aunt. LOL.

Looking forward to your next blog.