Thursday, January 17, 2008

We are Final!

What an exciting week this was! After waiting the required six months after placement, we finalized our adoption! WOOHOO! We traveled to Dallas on January 13 and stayed in a ridiculously priced hotel in order to be close to the courthouse. At 8:20 on January 14 we arrived at the courthouse and met our lawyer. Then we proceeded to the courtroom. We were in the family court area. Having never been to court before, I nearly lost it when the judge entered and the bailiff said "all rise." We rose and less than two seconds later the judge said be seated, so we sat. I don't know why but I had the hardest time not laughing at at the fact that we stood up for like 2 seconds. Anyway, we sat and waited for our turn and realized that pretty much everyone else there was waiting for the judge to hear their divorce case. Really very sad. So we got to be the highlight of the morning. I mean finalizing an adoption is way better than a divorce right!?! After we raised our right hands and swore to tell the truth, the judge asked "and what about the child?" :) So then we proceeded with our yesses and our no's and the adoption was final. The judge then reached behind him and pulled out a teddy bear which he presented to Benjamin. Benjamin thought that it looked tasty! Here are the pictures to proove the day!

Waiting to be Final

Picture with the judge

A Finalized Family

Benjamin with our lawyer

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Benjamin Swinging at the park

Going to the Park

We had some beautiful weather last week and I decided that it was time for Benjamin to experience the swings. He loves to be "thrown" up in the air or swung around, so I figured that he would love the baby swings. He did and was so cute. He also enjoyed the slide and demonstrated his leg strength. We may have an early walker! Benjamin just loves the outdoors!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Trying Some Vegetables

Benjamin was introduced to the wonderful world of vegetables this past week. His first vegetable was peas and he gagged and spit and made faces that said he thought we were just terrible for feeding them to him. But the next day he did better and the day after that he ate them without complaint. He has now tried and at least tolerated peas, squash, green beans, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Tonight we let him try fruit and it may have ruined him for veggies. He ate those pears right up with no gagging or spitting.