Monday, September 21, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Part 2

Can we just say that I'm a bit behind on the blog thing? It's been a very busy month both with Benjamin's daily activeness and with Matt in the last month of studying for CPA. Needless to say, we are more than ready for the test to be over and for things to slow down a bit at least for a while.

So, two and a half weeks ago, we decided to make a day trip to the beach. Well, more like an afternoon trip. We left after church and returned home around 11 pm. It was a crazy tiring day, but we couldn't have asked for better weather. Last year we went on Labor Day and there was a hurricane on it's way, which made for super hot air and very choppy waves. The beach was also pretty dirty and we came home covered in tar. This year though, the beach was perfect! The air was warm, but not too hot, the water was oh so comfortably warm without too many floaty things that usually make me squeamish about swimming, and the sand was relatively clean and tar free. And, the waves were just right for Benjamin to play in. Also in contrast to last year, Benjamin LOVED the ocean and called it a waterpark. I told him it was God's waterpark. Last year he would not go near it and hated even the feel of the sand against his feet. This year, he was totally fearless, which was so much fun to watch, and of course meant we had to keep our eagle eyes on him at all times. Overall, it was a great trip and I got to do one of my very favorite things and watch the sunset while listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand.
Family Shot
Look at that sunscreen hair!
first steps into the water
He loved to jump and then land bottom first in the middle of a wave
Playing with Daddy in the water

1 comment:

Joel said...

Looks like someone had fun! =D