Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Few Things We've Been Up To...

It has been a busy week and a half since I last posted. We attempted potty training, went to the water park (pictures to come in a future post), had some fun family time, and lived with one car for nearly a week. Both of our cars are very old and it looks like it's time to begin the search for a new one. We are on the hunt for a minivan. For now though, Matt was able to find someone to fix the car, so we have a little time to look. Yay! Benjamin was not at all upset at having only one car though as he thoroughly enjoyed riding the bus with me yesterday. I wouldn't have minded it either if it hadn't been 100 degrees and a mile to the bus stop. Praise the Lord I have a car today!
Here's some pictures of what we've been up to the last week and a half:
Playing with Daddy is always fun! And with boys, the rougher the better. :) Benjamin loves to be upside down!
Helping Daddy get the popcorn ready
I LOVE traditions! When I was growing up, we had a tradition of having waffles/pancakes every Saturday morning. I remember waking up to the smell of waffles cooking and the sound of my dad hurrying us to the kitchen to eat them while they were hot. When I was a teenager, I didn't appreciate how early they were ready, but I still have fond memories of Saturday mornings. So, our little family tradition has been Sunday night movie night. We make popcorn and eat it along with string cheese and veggie sticks while we watch a movie. So far we have watched three of the Love Bug series and now when the TV gets rolled out (it's kept in the closet), Benjamin immediately says "Herbie!" It's been fun to see him enjoying a tradition and remembering that it's popcorn and movie night.
Well, we gave potty training a try last week. After a couple of frustrating days, I decided that he's just not ready yet, so we'll try again in a few months. For now, he still enjoys sitting on the potty and asks to do so a couple of times a day. We'll stick with that for now. Doesn't he just look so cute sitting his little self on the big potty?
I think I've been going into nesting mode these past couple of weeks as I've felt the need to get the baby room ready for a baby whenever God chooses to bring another child into our family. So, I have been organizing baby clothes and cleaning out the closet in the baby room. Benjamin entertained himself nicely by playing in the totes.
With this crazy hot summer, I thought we'd try some yummy juice popsicles. It turned out that they were a little too difficult for Benjamin to figure out, but he enjoyed trying.
Reading continues to be one of Benjamin's favorite things to do and he is constantly bringing us books and asking us to read them. His current favorites are "The Bike Lesson," and any of the Trucktown Books set. I usually read each book several times a day.

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