Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Sunglasses

So this past week I took a look at our budget and decided that I needed to do better with impulse buys (as in stop them). With grocery costs rising crazy fast, I determined that I was going to stay within our budget despite higher costs. So I came up with a list of meals that were fairly inexpensive and made my menu plan. Then I decided I would probably save money by only shopping once every two weeks instead of once a week. I set out for the grocery store with determination to stick to my list. I did very well until I saw the sunglasses. They were just too cute and fit Benjamin perfectly. (I know, I know, I shouldn't even have tried them on him.) So I debated whether I should buy them or not. Finally, I rationalized that we had the money in our clothing budget, so I would take them out of there. So, my trip to the grocery store ended with one impulse buy. The sunglasses. But you have to admit, they are adorable. Benjamin won't keep them on for more than 2 seconds, but they are awful cute while he has them on. So, in order to snap these pics, I had to hold his hands down so he would not take them off before I was done. Maybe I will do better with my resolve to not buy impulsively next time. :) For now, we have some super cute baby pictures.


Joel said...

The sunglasses are very cute. Maybe he'll get used to them and leave them on longer at a time. ;D

Katie said...

You have one adorable boy! Can't wait to see you guys again... our little one is closer to being able to hold his own with Benjamin, so that should be fun! Give him a kiss from us!

Katie said...

You have one adorable little boy! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Our little one should be getting closer to holding his own with Benjamin! Give him a kiss from us!

Elisa said...

He's adorable! Good photo opportunities are totally worth the splurge! We are proud of you guys!