Well I have not been a very faithful blogger this past week. It's been a crazy one! We had a Walk Through the Bible (Old Testament) Seminar at our church on Sunday all day, which was wonderful. If you have never done one, it's a great way to see the big picture of the Bible and get a better feel for the timeline as you read through. Then on Monday I went with one of the girls from our Sunday School class and bought over $600 worth of groceries to stock our church's food pantry. Our class is in charge of stocking it this month and God has been so good. He has provided for our class to purchase on average over $500 of food every week. I just love this ministry of our church and it's been a blessing to be a part of it. Monday night, I had a much needed Mom's night out with my MOPS group. I stopped to get a snack item to take and my car died in the parking lot of the store, so that added to the craziness of the week. Praise the Lord it was only the battery and also that a friend came and picked me up, so I still got to have a night out. Tuesday was catch up day since I spent so much time doing the shopping and then taking the groceries over to the church on Monday. Wednesday was another crazy day with getting the battery changed in my car, then going and helping out with Manna Ministries at our church (this is what the groceries went to - they provide groceries once a week to those who are in need, as well as share the gospel). Then I had to do my bi-weekly shopping and get home in time to put Benjamin down for a nap before heading back out for my Bible Study. Yesterday was less crazy. Just the gym in the morning and then some cleaning and cooking in the afternoon. Just going back over all of this is making me tired. :) Today was errand day, yogurt making day, and oh yes, my recipe for the week: cheeseball making day. Mmmmm. And tomorrow, I am hoping to re-paint our bedroom. And to top off this very busy week, Benjamin is definitely in a very challenging stage. He has such a fun-loving spirit and is so sweet, but he is also developing his sense of Independence and defiance when he doesn't get his way. It's been very challenging trying to be consistent with training and discipline without breaking that sweet spirit. We could definitely use prayer for wisdom in this area.
And now onto my yummy new recipe for the week. I am such a snacker! Something about the middle of the afternoon, I don't know, but I always want something to munch. So I have been trying so hard to be healthier with my snacking and today I made this really yummy cheeseball that is great for dipping veggies in. I just love cheese!
8 oz cultured cream cheese (I used some I made with yogurt)
2 1/2 c shredded cheese
1 T mayonnaise
2 T cream
1 t soy sauce
1/4 t garlic powder
1/4 t onion powder
1/4 t salt
1/2 t chili powder
1/2 t Cajun seasoning
2 t parsley
1 - 1 1/2 c chopped pecans
Combine all ingredients but pecans and mix with a hand mixer until well incorporated. Place chopped pecans on a piece of wax paper and spoon cheese mixture on top of them. Use the edges of paper to roll pecans around the cheese. Chill until firm. Would work well with an assortment of veggies, or crackers. Happy snacking!
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