Thursday, October 9, 2008


This week in one of my Bible studies, we are learning what it means to be who God says we are. We were watching this week's video last night and learned several things that it means, but one was adopted. I have read the verse that talks about us being adopted as sons through Christ Jesus many times, but this time I saw it just a little different. Of course the analogy was made about adoptive parents and Beth brought out the fact that there are no accidental adoptions. No one adopts a child without deciding to do it. They come to the point where they desire to have that child as a part of their family. I think of Benjamin and how we longed and prayed for him and how I love him more than I can say. Then I think of my own limited capacity to love and I realize how amazing it is that God, with his limitless love, chose to adopt me. I didn't just end up as a child of God. I was adopted on purpose as His child. Praise Jesus!

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