Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Trying to Fill Daddy's Shoes

One of Benjamin's favorite times of day is when Daddy gets home from work. He knows it's time to play and be silly. This past weekend he wanted to wear Matt's shoes and it was just too cute! He loves to do things that make him feel like he's one of the big guys. I just can't believe how much he's grown up recently. His vocabulary is growing and he can now say "bye, dada, mama, shoes, ball, more, bear (he calls them baby), jump, and banana. It's so fun to see him comprehending things. Every time he sees a dog, he says "woof woof." He's turning into a little boy. This week I have been feeling so blessed once again that I get to be his mommy and see him go through each change and new development. What fun!

1 comment:

Joel said...

John said, "Aw, cute Benjamin".