Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Menu Plans and Healthy Food

Today was my once every two week shopping trip. It's been quite an adjustment for me to shop only once every two weeks as it requires a lot more planning ahead, but once that trip is done, it really simplifies my schedule. Today I found a farmers market that had fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Mmmm. I love fresh produce. My garden has been pretty slow with the tomatoes, so I splurged and got a few at the farmer's market. There is nothing better than a big juicy tomato fresh from the vine. So that will be a fun addition to dinner tonight.

So part of my shopping plan has involved coming up with menus two weeks in advance. I've had a lot of fun looking online for some new recipes. I've also found a few people who have posted their menu plans and I've found them to be fun inspiration. So, I thought I would post our menu plan for the next two weeks in case you need some inspiration. I realize that these two weeks have a lot of beef meals and normally I try to spread those out a bit, but we overspent our budget for groceries last month, so this month we are eating what's in the freezer, which happens to be quite a bit of beef. :) Hope you enjoy!

10/5 - 10/11
-Giant Breakfast Cookies (These are so great for those crazy Sunday Mornings and they are made with oats, whole wheat flour, and honey...Yum!) - I used 1/2 c honey instead of 3/4 c.
-Popcorn, veggie sticks, and cheese slices

-Pancakes and Peanut Butter
-Turkey Sandwiches, veggies, and fruit
-Kale Quiche with ground turkey sausage, salad

-Fried eggs and Oatmeal w/applesauce and cinnamon
-Peanut Butter Sandwiches, veggies
-National Night Out with our subdivision - dinner provided

-Pancakes and Peanut Butter
-Tuna Salad, veggies, fruit
-Leftover Quiche, salad

-Eggs and Toast
-Turkey Sandwiches, veggies, fruit
-Beef Stroganoff over mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad

-Egg Sandwiches
-Turkey over Salad, fruit
-Leftovers from Thursday

-Potatoes and Eggs
-Grilled Cheese
-Beans and Rice, salad (We are doing one meatless meal a week to get us back on track in our budget)

10/12 - 10/18
-Out to lunch with Sunday School Class
-Whole Wheat Soft Pretzels, veggies, cheese slices

-Whole Wheat Waffles with Peanut Butter
-Egg Salad
-Cheesy Beef and Rice, green beans, home made coleslaw (haven't found a recipe yet)

-Eggs, Oatmeal w/applesauce and cinnamon
-Tuna Salad sandwiches, veggies
-Leftovers from Monday

-Whole Wheat Waffles w/Peanut Butter
-Egg Salad, veggies, fruit
-Beans and Rice, Salad

-Eggs, Applesauce Bread - made with 1/3 c honey rather than 1/2 c.
-Tuna Salad, veggies, fruit
-Grilled Pork Chops, broccoli, salad

-Eggs, Oatmeal
-Peanut Butter Sandwiches, veggies
-Grilled hamburgers, potato wedges, coleslaw

-Eggs, Applesauce Bread
-Leftover Burgers, veggies
-Homemade Pizza, Salad

Since I love hearing people's ideas for menus, I may let this be a regular post. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Also, let me know if you need any recipes.

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