Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This fall I am participating in two women's Bible Studies. I must say that it's a bit overwhelming preparing for both, but I'm so amazed at how much they overlap each other. They are both Beth Moore studies. If you have never done one of her studies, you HAVE to do one. :) I'm doing "Jesus the One and Only," and "Believing God." While they each cover different passages in the Bible, they both speak of having real faith in God and believing Him. Not just believing in Him, but believing Him. Believing that He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. I feel like God is growing my faith so much lately and one area that He is challenging my belief in is the area of freedom and having an eternal perspective on everything. I'm finding that the two go hand in hand. I get myself into bondage when I take my eyes off my Savior and pursue temporary things. For me, the bondage has been maintaining the "accepted" thin body image. I have been challenged once again with my lack of belief that I can be free from this bondage. I have also been challenged with the fact that when my focus is on what matters in eternity, I experience freedom. God is so merciful toward His children. I love that He is so patient with me as I learn to keep my eyes on Him continuously. So now I am praying, "Lord help me overcome my unbelief."

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am excited to see the To Be Continued journey of freedom and believing He is taking us both on. We are thankful for you 3 and glad God put us together. You are an encouragement to me.